Hiroshi Nagai Animated Painting

Generate a one-of-a-kind animated painting in the style of Hiroshi Nagai.

The canvas size is based on your device's dimensions. The position / size / color of the painting is randomly generated within certain guidelines.

You can choose from various color palettes.

There are a few hotkeys which can be used:

This tool is completely free, open source, without any paywalls or premium options. You are welcome to use it for personal or commercial purposes.

If you had fun and are feeling generous, feel free to buy me a coffee. This would be much appreciated during late-night coding sessions!

Buy Me A Coffee

This project is coded using Javascript, HTML, and CSS (see github repo linked below). Video creation and encoding is done using mp4 muxer.

Feel free to reach out to discuss, ask questions, or to share your creations! The animations can be easily uploaded to instagram or otherwise -- you can tag me @stereo.drift